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Actioil A550 Diesel Treatment

The Long Life Diesel Fuel Treatment

Actioil A550 is a complete diesel fuel treatment that prevents and solves the problems associated with modern diesel. This modern diesel looks and smells the same as it always has but it is the unseen changes that leave fuel systems vulnerable to severe and costly problems. The dramatic reduction in sulphur and the introduction of up to 7% biofuel has left diesel vulnerable to attack from bacteria, fungus and yeasts creating deposits of sludge blocking your filters and injectors or allowing for corrosion in your tank.

Diesel Gelling is also a side effect from this bacteria growth. These problems associated with modern diesel can all lead to costly down times for your machinery, but Actioil is the solution.

Actioil prevents and solves the problems of moisture; gelling and bacteria & fungus build up. Actioil A550 is a long life diesel fuel treatment. It is not just a biocide, nor is it just an additive. It is a complete treatment, and unlike additives you only need to treat your machinery or tank once and they will be protected for 3 years in a storage tank or a full service interval in your machinery. Actioil has also proven to be a great product to recover machinery which has been out of service for a long period of time.

The benefits of using Actioil in your diesel system include:

  • Protects your engine and it components like injectors & fuel pump.
  • Prevents the build-up of bacteria
  • Reduces downtime of equipment
  • Restores engine to original performance levels
  • Improve fuel efficiency
  • Reduces the freezing point of your diesel
  • Eliminates water caused by condensation
  • Reduces emissions

How Actioil Works

Our Video here will help you understand how Actioil works after treating your fuel system or tank.

Instructions for using Actioil in a Vehicle

  1. Ensure fuel tank is between a quarter and a third full.
  2. Change fuel filter before treatment.
  3. Add 1 litre of Actioil for each 100 Litres of tank capacity.
  4. Run engine at 1000rpm for 15 minutes.
  5. Completely fill the fuel tank.
  6. Repeat treatment at every service interval or every year (whichever comes first)


Contaminated Fuel Filter

Instructions for using Actioil in a storage tank.

  1. Ensure fuel tank is between a quarter and a third full.
  2. Add 3 litres of Actioil per 1000 litres of tank capacity.
  3. Completely fill fuel tank.
  4. Leave tank with treated fuel sit for 2 hours.
  5. Use fuel as normal.
  6. Repeat treatment every 3 years.


Untreated Storage Tank

To learn more about Actioil, you can contact us in the office or head over to our dedicated Actioil website.

Actioil is approved by all these Manufacturers as well as many more.

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